Dollars & Dragons
Dollars & Dragons Podcast
Dollars & Dragons Podcast | Ep 13 - Lou Anders (he/him)

Dollars & Dragons Podcast | Ep 13 - Lou Anders (he/him)

a fantasy novelist, award-winning Editor and Art Director

This week we're talking to Lou Anders: a fantasy novelist, award-winning Editor and Art Director. We kick it off with getting into writing in the 1990s, Babylon 5 & Star Trek Monthly, as well as being on the set at Paramount.

Other topics:

Frostborn, (of the Thrones & Bones series) based on turning a Conan story on its head

Star Wars: Pirate's Price

Beginning to write for tabletop games as a freelancer, writing for Tails of Equestria: The Curious Case of the Malfunctioning P.R.A.N.C.E.R with his 9 year old daughter

Freelancing for Kobold Press

Thrones & Bones the 5e setting and latest Kickstarter

Thrones & Bones: Norrøngard Roleplaying Game

Thrones & Bones the board game, based on hnefatafl, a Viking board game

Future sourcebooks and adventures in the Thrones & Bones setting

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Dollars & Dragons
Dollars & Dragons Podcast
Learning how to gain XP & gold as a freelancer in the tabletop industry. Our host Friday takes us on a journey of learning from the best how to: design games, write, market, pro GMing and everything in between.