Hey y’all!
One of the most frequent questions that I get as a pro GM is: “How do I build camaraderie at my pro tables?”
Step 1: Take a deep breath.
Step 2: Read the rest of the article.
The Check-In
Typically people arrive and there’s a sense of needing to go through the formalities of “Hello, how are you?” I’m not a fan of that conversation, personally. Most of the time I’m wired up for the work day and I may or may not be dealing with a ton of stress. Instead, I ask “Do you have anything from your week you’d like to share?”
This does two things: It relieves the pressure of someone talking about their present feelings and also allows them the freedom to pick what they’d like to discuss that’s important to them.
The Bio Notes
When you’re dealing with 20-70+ people a week that cycle in and out, it can be difficult to keep track of everyone! Which is why I recommend that you keep some notes on players so that you can help build a stronger relationship. These do not have to be elaborate - they can simply be: Occupation, hobbies, other unique things about them.
Active listening
Taking the time to actively listen to your players during play and while socializing is integral to conveying that you care about them. You do not have to pretend to be their friend before it feels natural. That is part of the process to earning long-term players, though - is becoming more comfortable with one another. Actively listening is imperative for you to build bonds with your players.
Letting people tell their stories
Encouraging people to tell their stories is all well and good, but ultimately you need to help them feel comfortable enough to do so. That comes in time. Share a bit of your story and then invite them to, too.
The Vineyard RPG Kickstarter & new articles
I’m going to be writing a new article for Dollars & Dragons for every $2,000 we earn over our current amount, which is 7k. So at 9k, 11k, 13k, 15k, etc. (Until we hit goal.) That’s a total of 20 Dollars & Dragons articles!
If you enjoy my work and want to support our team, please do so here: