Improve Player Satisfaction w/ The Master of Gossip
Rein in the table talk at your table and keep them engaged!
I received some feedback from some of my players (in more than one game) that they’d like for the sessions to kick off a bit sooner than they had been. No problem! But how did this happen?
I think it’s a fine line between getting everyone comfortable, friendly, and enjoying each others’ company. That thin line is one you’re going to have to walk as a pro GM, because people are paying you for the game - but they also want to enjoy the camaraderie of the table.
Anyway, I came up with what I believe is an elegant solution: I’m offloading this onto my players. (lol)
I’m appointing a Master of Gossip who has these responsibilities:
Determine the length of the pre-game gossip period (through polling the table.)
Make calls on whether or not we’ll continue with gossip if we run over time.
Hold me accountable as the GM to run the game.
Let me know what you think, as always.
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